This is where it all begins, and without them we wouldn’t have the delicious milk to produce our udderly amazing products.


At Oak Park Dairy we currently have two breeds of cow, Holstein Friesian and Jersey. Each breed have their own very special characteristics which give us milk with the perfect flavour, consistency and natural traits for our products.

The main herd is comprised of 100 Holstein Friesian cattle, which have been a staple of the farm for over 80 years. In 2018 we decided to purchase a small herd of Pedigree status Jerseys to add a new lease of life to the dairy enterprise. These girls produce a lovely rich and creamy milk, packed full of flavour.

We give our girls the best of both worlds, allowing them to graze when the sun is shining but providing them with housed accommodation when it is wet and chilly outside. Although it is considered the idyllic image for cows to be roaming the green pastures, they are very gently giants are really do love nothing more than retreating to the sheds and having dinner brought to them on a cold winters day.

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